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    McNair constantly strives to provide a positive, supportive and inclusive culture for women, enabling us to recruit and retain top women lawyers. One of our key initiatives, Women@McNair, provides tangible opportunities for career development and community involvement by mentoring women lawyers. Our senior women lawyers lead by example—they are among the top performers in the Firm and have reputations throughout the Carolinas as experienced, go-to practitioners. But these women also lead by design.

    In the last year, major business publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, have publicized the social networking aspects of women’s affinity groups in law firms. They are popular, well-received and fun. But such events without a strong intellectual and professional foundation can’t make a difference in a young woman’s career.

    To ensure that we are attentive to the complete picture, McNair women are encouraged to adopt a focused strategic marketing plan that meets their individual needs, and that emphasizes the unique skills and strengths of each lawyer and practice.

    Leaders of the Women@McNair initiative work in concert with the Firm’s overall professional development training for all young associates.

    Please contact us, if you are interested in more information about Women@McNair.